Untitled design     t The College Green Hotel

Sustainability Policy

The College Green Hotel Dublin recognises that our business has an important role to play in protecting and enhancing the environment for future generations, and to help secure the long-term sustainability of the tourism industry. It is our priority to encourage our customers, suppliers and all business associates to do the same. The College Green Hotel Dublin is committed to reducing its environmental impact through better efficiencies in the use of energy and the minimisation of waste, packaging and water usage.

View our sustainability policy here.



The College Green Hotel Dublin has a waste diversion rate of 80% from landfill. Each guest bedroom has recycling cards and bins, that encourage and show guests how to recycle in their bedrooms. All plastic bottles used for hair and body products are recyclable and are refilled by our housekeeping department.

Environment-friendly cards in our bedrooms give guests the option to re-use towels and bed linen by following simple steps. The hotel uses bio-degradable take away cups & straws which can be composted while the lid can be recycled. Used kitchen oil is sent to a biodiesel plant for recycling and all packaging used to transport food produce is recycled by our suppliers and reused.


Energy Consumption 

To date The College Green Hotel Dublin has achieved an 18% reduction in electrical consumption and 21% reduction in gas consumption since 2019.

This has been achieved through surveying our electrical boards and installing 15 meters to selected boards. This allows us to continuously monitor electrical consumption and profile consumption on an hourly basis. We have also installed 3 meters on our gas and 5 meters on our water supply and monitor in the same way through our portal.

The hotel uses LED lighting throughout the premises and uses sensor lighting, in meeting rooms, stairwells and back of house.

We are considering investing our Capex budget in upgrades of old plant in the hotel to new energy efficient models which includes switching our kitchen to induction, upgrades to our Business Management System (BMS) as well as upgrades to our AHU’s, Air Conditioning, and replacement of all pumps with smaller Variable Speed Drive (VSD) energy efficient type pumps in the future to drive our electrical and gas consumption down further.

Awareness and education on energy savings remains front and central to all communication to staff. We educate our staff to reduce, reuse and recycle, building awareness in their roles and how they contribute to the reduction in usage in their departments.

The College Green Hotel Dublin


We have partnered with Green Tourism, a hospitality specialist environment accreditation partner.

Green Tourism complete “Energy & Sustainability Audits” at all our hotels, with each hotel gaining accreditation as part of this process. These audits are helping us prioritise the areas we need to action, and gain accreditation.

If you have any queries on our Sustainability Policy at the hotel please contact The College Green Hotel Dublin on tel: 01 645 1000 or email: info@thecollegegreenhotel.com

Sustainability - Green Tourism
College Green
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